Sustainable & committed
We believe it is important to be thoughtfully part of the society in which we operate and to be committed to people & the environment
VanRoey stands in the world. We consider it important to be thoughtfully part of the society in which we operate and to be committed to people and the environment.
ESG policy
Below is an overview of initiatives we have taken, are taking and/or will take regarding sustainable business. Follow us on linkedin To keep up to date with all promotions!

In 2022, together with a host of local construction companies, we finalised this handsome piece of architecture next to the current building in Turnhout. The result? A new icon for the city with 8 Levels of high-tech office space. Ultimate asset? The building is EPC-negative!
That is because the building represents sustainability in every detail.
As Kempus is perhaps our most important aspect in terms of sustainability goals, you will see many techniques reflected below.
For example, the temperature is regulated by geothermal energy; We are equipped with 860 solar panels, with surplus solar energy going to the electric fleet via 30 charging stations and so much more...
More info on this building can also be found at
Some extended interviews and videos can be found at
We had the first certificate achieved by 2023 and in 2024 we have the SDG Pioneer label achieved!
With this charter, VOKA aims to help companies embed sustainability in their DNA and achieve their sustainability goals.
To this end, Voka cooperates with CIFAL Flanders/UNITAR, an international training centre dedicated to sustainable management that can award companies the internationally recognised UNITAR certificate.
Partly because of this impetus, we at created the ' ESG programme' in which the outlines have been launched to continue evolving into a more sustainable business in the coming years and also offer this value to our customers.
More info on VCDO? Then visit
Great Place To Work
We are proud to say that we -as well as last year- achieved Great Place To Work certification again after a thorough employee survey! Even better: our colleagues scored the organisation even better!
The Great Place To Work model is a global standard and is implemented in more than 60 countries. The employee survey consists of a questionnaire of 60 statements, structured in five categories: honesty, respect, camaraderie, credibility and pride.
You can read all about it in this blog.
Sustainable procurement
The basis of our offering to customers is strategic collaborations with a limited number of partners. We have long-term relationships or partnerships with them on the one hand and screen their offerings for sustainability and how they handle transport and lifecycle of their devices.
The offer to our customers is largely determined by the availability of products from our suppliers. Unfortunately, not all suppliers are yet moving as fast as we would like in making their portfolio more sustainable, but we are noticing improvement.
As an IT supplier and purchasing organisation (Member of the QCOM purchasing grouping) with a sustainable mindset, we do have influence. Suppliers who are themselves actively committed to sustainability are strongly preferred.
We also support customers mainly by helping them get the right information.
We also work on smaller projects to gain an even better understanding of suppliers and their position with regard to sustainability. This allows us to serve the customer optimally in both the ICT issue and the sustainability issue. For instance, we are working on a sustainability scan for suppliers over the next few years, as well as drafting a Code of Conduct from within own organisation.
in 2023 we were nominated for the sustainable business award by VOKA
The impact of digitisation
Driven digitalisation can reduce global emissions by 20%. But digitalisation isn't 'free' either, producing 4% of greenhouse gases today, so smart & responsible use of data is the message. That's where we make a difference, both with us and with our thousands of customers.
Process optimization
The efficiency gains companies can achieve thanks to pervasive digitisation are often phenomenal. Think of:
- Any meeting that can be done digitally, as opposed to on-site, in a heated or cooled office environment.
- Any document that requires more economical or no printing thanks to efficient printing technology or digital signing.
- Every invoice 100% can be processed digitally instead of printed and delivered with manual dispatch
- Physical offices offering more space through digital rather than physical archives and shared workspaces
- ...
Data is the new oil
New insights gained from accurate and clear data allow companies to make smart interventions. These almost always result in a smaller footprint and less pointless work. Good for the wallet, people and the environment! Some examples:
- Optimised routes, planning and better calculation of cargo loads
- Connecting data and translating it into clear dashboards reveals bottlenecks and opportunities
- Complex processes can be simplified by automating them or moulding them into user-friendly business apps....
There is a lot involved in owning your own data centre. Power consumption, cooling and space and the accompanying noise cannot be underestimated.
With the VanRoey Private Cloud centralise as much of our own and customers' computing power as possible. Servers make noise, need cooling, maintenance, security be maintained. This way, expensive hardware is optimally used at all times and customers only pay for what they use, and do not have to set up an expensive server room in their offices themselves.
Sustainable Data Centres
Did you know that data centres are responsible for between 1 and 2% of global energy consumption?
Our own "VanRoey Private Cloud" data centre, where we process our and customers' data, is located on Belgian soil at Datacenter United. It meets numerous stringent requirements on GDPR, but also in terms of sustainability, substantiated by certificates. It's almost impossible to achieve the same qualities as an organisation.
Microsoft Azure
Another concept we use for this and also a good example of sustainability is Microsoft Azure, Microsoft's global shared data centre where solutions like Microsoft 365, Dynamics 365 and so many other services run. You read here more about their objectives.
Shared Workspaces
If you have 100 employees, do you necessarily have to provide 100 seats? The answer, of course, is no.
Why should every employee have their own desk? Their own screen, their own chair... Especially now that it appears that we can also work perfectly well from home, it is time to rethink efficient shared workspaces as well.
Providing less space also means less heating or cooling, and using peripherals such as external screens together -via docking systems- also means a lot less e-waste.
User Adoption
We must not forget the human in the digitisation story.
Being able/willing to work with new software, cloud platforms or hardware is not natural for everyone.
That is why we put a lot of effort into User Adoption trajectories; even before we start renewal and/or implementation trajectories, we try to make employees see the need for the changes and explain the benefits for them. They are also extensively involved in the implementation processes and their input is actively listened to.
We are a Bebat/Recupel collection point and have e.g. with one of our suppliers, CTOUCH, launched procedures to optimise their packaging and recycle more efficiently
With this system, you work with four bags that last up to years, thus eliminating a mountain of toners/cartridges, photoconductor units, drums and packaging material.
- Tens of thousands of prints per bag of ink powder
- Drastically reduced waste and logistics
- No heating (= less energy consumption)
- No emissions!
There is still much to be gained in the use of digital devices and services. Within every organisation. Data has a larger co² footprint than thought.
Did you know that watching half an hour of Netflix has the equivalent in emissions of driving an old car for 1km? (Source).
So is all the data we store within organisations or via cloud services, the countless audio and video streams during meetings, music streaming...
People don't think about it, and we do try to create some awareness around that.
People leave devices up for no reason, and this kind of problem can be tackled by e.g. enforcing policies that put PCs to sleep after x minutes or via settings preventing monitors 24/7: "no signal", display.
Solid impact can also be made when printing by specifying 'recto-verso black and white' as the default setting. Also, printing can only be done if people physically come to the machine to collect their prints. This will prevent piles of prints simply ending up in the bin because no one ever came to collect them....
Microsoft Partner Pledge
Microsoft believes -as we do- that the countries that will thrive are those that implement technologies ethically and ensure that everyone has the right skills and opportunities to make the most of what lies ahead.
We believe in the role technology can play in addressing wider societal challenges.
Think about
- Digital skills preparing us for the future
- Supporting diversity and inclusion through technology
- Responsible A.I.
- Reducing Co² and other greenhouse gases has this promise -as a Microsoft Gold Partner- co-signed, of course.
More info can be found at this website.
Energy & Infrastructure
Energy is becoming more and more expensive, making the already necessary transition to sustainable alternatives even more compelling. VanRoey did not throw in the towel and built a completely climate-neutral building with Kempus. The old building in Turnhout also benefits from the innovative renovation.
Geothermal energy at a depth of 120m
Heating and cooling of our new Kempus building is via geothermal energy
- Hot spring brings the water to 40°C
- Cold spring brings it to 12°C
This provides a constant, pleasant temperature throughout the building thanks to climate ceilings of 21 to 23°c.
In winter, the hot water is used to heat rooms, while in summer it is the cool water's turn to cool rooms.
This is much quieter and more pleasant than air conditioning or traditional heating/cooling because the temperature is kept constant throughout.
The old building was also upgraded
The old building was also connected to the same geothermal system, where mazout and electric air-conditioning units were previously used.
Not only now benefits fully from this investment, but external companies and start-ups setting up in the Kempus are equally enjoying this technology.
Climate ceilings
No less than 40km(!) of pipes run through our newly built Kempus.
Through climate ceilings, the geothermally cooled or heated water is distributed throughout the building, allowing us to very efficiently heat the building to 21°C during cold periods and cool it to 23°C during hot periods
In addition, the climate ceilings also function as acoustic buffers and incorporate all kinds of home automation techniques such as motion detectors controlling the economical LED lighting.
Solar panels
In 2022, we commissioned the new plant at Kempus:
- As many as 860(!) panels (385Wp/piece)
- Total 331,000Wp
- Min. yield: 250,000kWh/yr
These panels not only cover the needs of the new building; The old building too thus enjoys mainly green power.
All other energy flows to 30 smart charging points for electric cars (expandable to 60)
Solar panels Houthalen
We have also been enjoying green electricity on the roof of our Houthalen site for many years. Installing solar panels is a simple and efficient way to reduce your energy consumption. With dozens of computers and several servers constantly demanding power at our premises, we had a great need to generate our own energy.
The entire roof of our building was filled with solar panels, but this proved insufficient. To be able to install even more panels, we built a canopy over the parking spaces in our car park on which additional panels could be placed. An additional advantage was that this way the cars could also be sheltered. Finally, we also had some panels placed on our grass.
Efficient Lifts
- 30% less displacement energy compared to conventional lift
- Excess energy is "clean" & diverted to the grid
The Schindler 3300 is a lightweight lift that contains no harmful substances and was designed for everyday use with low energy consumption. Its operating efficiency remains constant throughout its lifetime - and this lift is almost 100% recyclable.
Clean drive technology
Thanks to regenerative PowerFactor 1 drive technology, the Schindler 3300 consumes up to 30 % less displacement energy compared to conventional technology. The excess energy is 'clean', allowing it to be fed back into the power grid without causing equipment failures due to harmonic distortion.
Standby mode
When not in use, the Schindler 3300 to 20 % consumes less energy for the directional changeover switch, control, lighting and ventilation. Wake-up is immediate.
LED lighting
The LED lighting lasts an especially long time (up to 20 times longer than standard lamps) while consuming less energy. All ceilings in the Schindler 3300 are equipped with LED lighting as standard.
Energy-efficient operation
Superior daily performance should not come with higher energy consumption. This is therefore not the case with the Schindler 3300. Thanks to its lightweight system, precision engineering and energy-saving features, the Schindler 3300 achieved an A rating for energy efficiency according to the VDl4707-1 standard.
Electrification of vehicle fleet
More than ever - thanks to working from home, Teams and Remote desktop support, we save many needless car journeys. Not just with us, but with thousands of organisations.
Our fleet
For many years, we invested in diesels with the lowest possible co² emissions. But we did not wait for government decisions and have been systematically switching to plug-in-hybrid (PHEV) and fully electric (EV) cars for several years. Today these can all eagerly charge green electricity, both at our Turnhout site (30 charging points), Geel (6 charging points) and Houthalen (20 charging points).
Charging points
In Turnhout, around the Kempus this is no different. 30 Charging points for cars and/or electric bikes are supplied with green, self-generated electricity thanks to a huge amount of solar panels, both on the roof of the 'old' building, and on the Kempus itself.
External visitors may also use it (Type-2-Mennekes chargers)
Precast concrete construction
When building our new Kempus building, we used precast concrete slabs. These locally produced parts
- are easier to produce at the manufacturer
- require much less transport
- need less work on site
- make for much lower disruption and faster work with fewer people
- need not wait for drying
Health, environment & surroundings
A better living environment starts with yourself. We have therefore been trying for years to set a good example and keep our employees fit and healthy. All interventions, however small or large, are not only good for people and the environment, but often also economically profitable for society thanks to less absenteeism, burn-outs and stress.
Local recruitment
For years, we have mainly been looking for people in the neighbourhood. This is a conscious choice, because this:
- stimulates the local economy and helps put the region on the map;
- anchors in the local community;
- gives a better work/life balance for employees;
- Requires less commuting;
- invites to come by bike;
- ensures that we are not 'part of the problem' in terms of traffic jams and congestion around major cities.
It was therefore a conscious decision to build the new Kempus building in Turnhout -on the previous site- and not elsewhere in the country.
At the back of our site in Turnhout, against the side of the forest, you will find our beehives. Although they have been getting harder and harder in recent years, bees are very useful critters and incredibly important for pollinating flowers.
So we decided to install a number of cabinets, which maintained by 'the Nectarist'. This also provides us with hundreds of jars of local honey every year. A very nice corporate gift!
Focus on cycling
We motivate our employees to come by bike with numerous incentives, such as kilometer allowance and lease/purchase support. A spacious bicycle shed with lighting was also installed and employees are given the opportunity to purchase equipment.
There are also showers and lockers for employees to arrive in comfort after a hot or rainy morning.
Reduce CO² emissions by getting more colleagues on the bike
"Cycling is not only good for the environment, it's good for the health of our team, it reduces stress and it's cheaper for cyclists. This fits in perfectly with's philosophy. We want to do business, but with respect for the world we live in and the people we work with.
-Pat Van Roey
We are convinced that we can get a lot more people on their bikes if we continuously raise awareness and make the right investments. To this end, the Van Roey ICT Group is today receiving a boost from the Flemish government (Pendelfonds). We invested €87,000 from 2017 to 2019; the Flemish government put €33,500 alongside this.
Our people also co-invest, for example when they buy a new bicycle. In concrete terms: we want to promote cycling as a sustainable alternative to the car. A 'Mobility' project group set up communication and awareness actions. We want the actions to be supported by our team. Bicycle ambassadors are also appointed.
We continuously communicate about how many people came to work by bike and how much co2 we saved by doing so. We also encourage colleagues with playful actions and we also participate as a team in cycling days, such as Kempen Fietst on 1 May.
The cycling infrastructure was addressed: Our employees can purchase a bicycle and cycling equipment with a financial intervention from Cyclists also receive a homecoming guarantee and breakdown assistance. We built a modern bicycle shed and an area with showers and lockers.
Company bicycles were also bought that can be used, for example, during the afternoon for a short bike ride, to ride to the shop or to replace a bike that needs maintenance...
Healthy food
In the company restaurant 'Roeftop' was chosen for only healthy food. Consequently, there is no deep-fat fryer. Employees are served fresh fruit and vegetables daily, which come from exclusively organic cultivation.
A healthy buffet and fresh soup is available in the afternoon.
Local production food and Circular cuisine
The ingredients used in the Roeftop company restaurant and the snacks we provide for staff and visitors come from always from responsible sources. Consider the nearby organic farm 'De Wieltjeshoeve' and other local producers.
We also serve only fair-trade coffee and put a lot of thought into quantities. Through reservation systems, our head chef can perfectly estimate how much food he needs to prepare and prepare, and so we avoid a lot of surpluses.
Sustainable choice of products
We initially opt for reuse, recycled materials or simply no production/consumption as much as possible.
Some great examples are
- our pots and pans made from old train track beams (info)
- Using reclaimed wood from the surrounding forest for the external staircase and counter
- Corporate gift: locally grown honey by our hives (info)
- Corporate gift: Laptop bags made from recycled plastic taken from the oceans
- Virtually no more printing for marketing
- Recycled materials in company restaurant Roeftop (e.g. serviettes...)
- We mainly serve locally produced beers
- ...
Reclaimed wood
When a storm hit the surrounding forest, Pat Van Roey decided to do something with the wood from the fallen trees. And so it happened. Instead of ordering planks, our outdoor stairs were fitted with this recovered wood.
The residual wood which -according to traditional standards- really couldn't be made into anything anymore, Michiel Van Roey, Pat's son, creatively turned it into an eye-catching reception desk on the ground floor.
An additional seating stand, dart board and drinks eye were also provided on the ground floor in the same style.
Air circulation
The official GO for the construction of Kempus was given on the same night the government declared a lockdown in December 2020. Health was more important than ever at that time, and air circulation plays a very important role in this.
Kempus is equipped with the most modern air ventilation system. On each floor, CO² levels are measured and - if necessary - ventilation is adjusted. This prevents unnecessary sick leave.
Collection & use of rainwater
At the Turnhout site, we can collect up to 110,000 litres to provide sanitary flushing and garden irrigation.
This way, we not only save a lot of drinking water, but we are also prepared for prolonged droughts.
The surrounding area also enjoys this, as we drain the excess water to the surrounding forest, instead of the local sewage system.
Urinals are flushed using smart 'IPEE' systems that use a limited amount of water automatically.
Drainage Forest environment
Excess rainwater that we cannot capture in our storage systems, we do not simply push it into the city sewer system.
During dry periods, we noticed that the surrounding forest, around our site in Turnhout, often lacked (ground) water. It was therefore decided to opt for drainage of excess rainwater to the forest, instead of the sewerage system. This way, the water remains better stored locally and usable for nature.
Work hard, play hard, with a healthy dose of sportsmanship.
This was a confrontational exercise for many employees. Fortunately, many good new habits we acquired thanks to this course; like eating healthier, exercising a bit more, cycling more often and the daily afternoon walk have stuck!
Ergonomics and Health
Besides the sustainable techniques, Kempus is equipped with all possible facilities to increase the comfort of the people working there. All workstations in the building are height-adjustable and feature two screens and a laptop docking system.
The meeting rooms are of course equipped with all the ICT applications we have at the
market and on each floor there are opportunities to relax for a while. There are also showers for sports enthusiasts who come from far by bike, or who go for an afternoon walk in the woods. There is also a ecological swimming pond provided.
More economical printing
Printing can also make a solid impact within, but also with all our customers by:
- as the default setting 'recto-verso black-and-white' to indicate.
- enable prints only if people physically get to the device to get their prints to be collected. This way we avoid piles of prints just ending up in the dustbin because no one ever came to pick them up.....
- Thanks to reporting people gain insight into their consumption, which can sometimes be confrontational.
Reduced e-waste, energy consumption and transport thanks to new RIPS technology
Also, together with EPSON in printing is strongly committed to sustainable office operations and less waste of toners and ink cartridges thanks to the use of the Replaceable Ink Pack System (RIPS)
With this system, you work with four bags that last up to years, thus eliminating a mountain of toners/cartridges, photoconductor units, drums and packaging material.
- Tens of thousands of prints per bag of ink powder
- Drastically reduced waste and logistics
- No heating (= less energy consumption)
- No emissions, so much healthier in the office
Annual participation in the Voka and IOK litter action
We also take part in the annual litter campaign of IOK and VOKALitter is a thorn in the side of most people. We also prefer not to see litter on and around our business park.
Also this year (September '23) it was again a great success and we were able to collect many kilos of plastics and other toxins from roadsides.
Supporting social initiatives
We invest part of our profits and expertise back into society. Think of local education and STEM initiatives, charities and organisation working around sports and health, tackling poverty... we also start and support initiatives to make the local economy stronger and work better together.
Sponsor files
We invest part of our profits and expertise back into society. We receive many requests for this. However difficult saying no is sometimes, we cannot do everything. That is why we have made some clear positive choices:
- We support initiatives that stimulate entrepreneurship and working with technology and ICT;
- We support initiatives that stimulate (inclusive) sport, health and innovative care.
- In doing so, we prefer long-term partnerships.
- We have a big heart for charities that put health first. Preferably initiatives that support sport and health for people with physical or mental disabilities.
When this links to new technologies - our core business - we get all excited.
Do you have a sponsorship request?
Contact then
Bednet can make a difference
Bednet, an initiative that helps children who cannot attend school due to circumstances to still receive an education. VanRoey, which focuses on sustainable business, sees this as a way to contribute to the world.
Bednet provides the necessary equipment both at home and at school, allowing students to watch lessons live in class from their bedrooms. This initiative not only helps prevent learning delays, but also helps maintain contact with classmates, contributing to children's well-being.
9 out of 10 Bednet users move on to the next year despite not being able to be physically present in class.
Bednet continues to innovate and recently introduced a mobile kit for schools, making it easier to move equipment from classroom to classroom. Although Bednet is already well known through events such as National Pyjama Day, more attention is needed.
VanRoey did its best in recent years to raise money for Bednet and encourages others to also donate or support actions.
4774 euros raised for Bednet!
We organised a sponsor walk from our headquarters in Houthalen to Bednet's building in Leuven.
This walk concluded a year of activities for the non-profit organisation. Our management and some colleagues walked the full 53 km and handed over the collected money of 4,774 euros to Bednet.
Since EuroSys also makes a lot of efforts for the health of its employees, we decided to make it a sporting event. So we came up with the idea of walking to Bednet on foot to hand over the money.
Mark Aerts, Sales Director VanRoey: "Bednet ensures that sick children can still follow the lessons, by facilitating the technology for this, helping these children and the link with technology makes this a project close to our hearts. The support we received financially, logistically and mentally, before and during the trip itself, pulled us through the difficult moments, wonderful to see how our entire company supported us and the reception at Bednet was a moment to remember! The massage was more than welcome though!"
Bednet staff were also charmed by this action! Sophie Reyntens, responsible for communication and fundraising at Bednet: "Amazing how the walkers pushed their own limits, especially for sick children and young people. It was also great to see all colleagues united behind the walkers. Together they collected a wonderful amount for Bednet. The money raised will go directly to computer equipment for sick pupils. "
Want to know more about Bednet? Visit
Laptops for Digital For Youth
In March 2020, when schools were forced to close o.w.v. COVID-19, a significant problem loomed: Many schools switched to a system of 'pre-teaching' for applying new curriculum. But not all underprivileged families had the appropriate materials.
Read here newsMore info on
Start-up Network Bicycle Managers
We also want to actively promote our commitment to getting more people on their bikes. We hope to convince other companies to go the same way, partly for this reason, the Van Roey ICT Group launched the Network of Cycling Managers.
Supported by Voka, Thomas More and IOK, the Bicycle Managers Network aims to bring together entrepreneurs and managers from the Antwerp Kempen region who want to take a leading role in the field of cycling policy in their company. The fact that they like to get on their bikes themselves is certainly a plus, because in addition to exchanging information about promoting the bike for commuting, there is also effective cycling and sports networking. The network meets every first Wednesday evening of the month, usually at 6 pm, although this time may vary in function.
Find more info at
Heartware is an initiative of Telenet, in which we participate, to oude laptops to refurbish. So an "old" device can still help someone get a job, allow a school child to take online classes or connect a family to the outside world.
Together with Entrepreneurs for a Warm Belgium, Telenet refurbishes hardware and turns it into 'heartware' of. Thus, together we help families who are in dire need. More info on this initiative can be found on the heartware website
Structural partner and co-founder of KempenFietst
Cancer is a dominant presence in our society, with as many as one in three Belgians being confronted with this terrible disease. In the fight against cancer, there are important needs in terms of prevention, detection, treatment and palliative care.
In 2012, three committed Kempeners, our General Manager Pat Van Roey, Marc Leysen and Guy Van Roey, devised the initiative 'Kempenfietst - with a heart for cancer research'. This slogan was later adapted to 'Kempenfietst - with a heart for cancer patients.' With this Kempen initiative, the founders want to raise money for the fight against cancer in a sporting way. The aim is to organise a bike ride through the Kempen every year and donate the proceeds to benefit cancer patients in the region. Great examples of charities chosen are Ispahan and Alegria. Since its inception, more than €300,000 has already been raised.
Signature Regional project 'Kempen2030'
VanRoey runs 100km for Fight Against Cancer
We had decided to participate in the 100km run for "Kom op tegen Kanker". This decision came after their successful walk from Houthalen to Leuven to benefit Bednet.
Taking part in the 100km run requires not only physical effort, but also a financial contribution. Each team must raise €2,500 to participate, meaning we needed to raise €5,000 in total. After several fundraising events, including the sale of homemade cupcakes, cakes and bread, and the management washing cars for a fee, we hit our target.
We are committed to "Come on Against Cancer" because everyone knows someone who has faced cancer. We believe it is important to contribute to the fight against this disease and hope that their efforts will help reduce the mortality rate.
Participation Move(d) to Help
The Van Roey ICT Group was involved in the organisation and participates in this day.
Enterprising Turnhout
Ondernemend Turnhout brings together entrepreneurs and managers from the various Turnhout industrial zones to network and work on the positive image of Turnhout as a city to work and do business in. The aim is to tackle opportunities and bottlenecks and to strengthen contacts with the Turnhout city administration and other players such as education and culture. Activities are organised regularly, where local entrepreneurs visit and address topics such as:
- Mobility & accessibility
- Sustainable zoning and utilisation of existing spaces (vacancy)
- Encourage manufacturing, boost, flow technology to SMEs;
- Energy: information & and coordination of actions e.g. wind turbines, deep geothermal;
- Licences
- Connecting education & business
- ...
More info on this initiative can be found at
Cooperation with education
Every year we give dozens of schools in our company a tour and we go to schools throughout the province of Antwerp.
We often work together with organisations such as Voka, Etion, Vlajo (entrepreneurs for the classroom, dream coach...). We find it important to share our experience with teachers and students. It is important that they know how things are going in practice.
- How do companies work today?
- How fast can it go?
- What skills, especially attitudes, determine your future career...
We're learning too.
- How do young people think today?
- How do they view their future workplace?
- What are their expectations?
We have developed a structural partnership with Thomas More, such as giving guest lectures, participating in juries, co-designing training courses and organising an annual hackaton.
Gold partner of Special Olympics
Special Olympics will use's EventManager tool in the coming years to register and communicate with all volunteers at all its events and the annual National Games in particular.
Gold partner of Special Olympics
At VanRoey, we strongly believe in the power of technology to better align education and the labour market. This is precisely why we have committed ourselves as a structural partner to the Talent Centre in Mechelen, an initiative dedicated to optimising young people's study choices through scientifically based methods.
Donation of 26 HP ProBooks
This is a direct investment in the future of our youth. These laptops are used in the Talent Centres to help young people identify their personal talents and interests through advanced tests developed by Ghent University.
Read more in the article
Measuring is knowing
Here we try to provide insights into the net results of our efforts using reports where possible. How much energy do we generate and consume, how many trips do we make in which way?
Ambition: 100% electric driving and as much own, green electricity as possible.
Our car-grid today contains exclusively 100% electrically powered cars (EVs). With a large number of chargers directly linked to our solar panel installations across the 3 campuses, colleagues ideally charge at work.
Charging/consumption figures will appear here soon.
We achieve all this every day thanks to a team of enthusiastic employees. Living healthier for longer and working with gusto is a central theme for us.