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To better serve your school, the solutions offered by Yes.be will now be included in VanRoey' standard offering
Take a close look at your organisation's security with a comprehensive IT Security Audit by our specialists....
EuroSys becomes VanRoey! We are joining forces and offering even more solutions with even better service....
How does Microsoft 365 compare to Google Workspaces? We try to summarise it for you in this blog.
Stijn Marivoet - System Engineer at VEEAM - immerses you in all the news VEEAM has to offer! Re-view the webinar for free!
The Netflix of camera surveillance. All the benefits and convenience of a contemporary cloud-native CCTV system.
At Veeam, they have not been idle. Time to bring you up to speed on updates and improvements. In this webinar, Stijn Marivoet - System Engineer at Veeam - immerses you in all the news Veeam has to offer.
To set up a webinar in a simple way, Microsoft Teams is a great tool. We share some tips & tricks from our own experience.

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What will the future bring? Get an exclusive tour & plenty of inspiring sessions at the revamped Living Tomorrow. It promises to be another great and educational year-end event! See you there?

Attention: limited number of places!